5 Lessons Every UX Designer Can Learn from Stand-Up Comedians | UX Mag

UX Mag

What can UX designers learn from stand-up comedians? Apparently enough for the fine folks at UX Magazine to let me publish an article about it!

What's in it for you?

  • 5 tips to make you more engaging during your next presentation

  • Why the Netflix comedy special "3 Mics" is a must-see

  • 7 minutes of one-liners from my favorite comic Demetri Martin

BIG THANKS to Elias A. Parker at OneReach for the opportunity, Josh Tyson for the stellar ghost write (he also helped tremendously with our ebook) + a gracious nod to Cristian Whitney & RJ Owen for teaching me how to sell the value of UX in the first place.

<Acceptance speech play-off music begins playing me off> 👋

Click here to read the full article on UX Mag now!